- Mr. President we’ve established the secret live feed of Premier Yukitev’s office.
- My God.
- I know, sir.
- He looks fantastic.
- Excuse me?
- That man can wear a suit.
- That man kidnapped your wife.
- Looks like she’s out of my league now.
- Do you have any idea how many men died to establish this live feed?
- I would kill as many for those shoes.
- Mr. President you are out of your mind.
- I’d kill you for starters.
- Mr. President this is not an appropriate use for this technology.
- Madame Secretary, that is not an appropriate skirt for your skin tone.
- You said I looked good in purple.
- Periwinkle is hardly purple and you are hardly a summer.
- Sir! the First Lady!
- You’re right. You’re absolutely right. Madame Secretary, will we get her back?
- Trust me, Penny will be singing for the environment in no time.
- Thank god. And Madame Secretary, tell me the truth, don’t try to protect me. Do I look fat?
- You look like an idiot.
- Like a fat idiot?